Kwara PDP condemns Gov Abdulrazaq over Sholyment's illegal detention

Press Release

27th July, 2021

Kwara PDP condemns Gov Abdulrazaq over Sholyment's illegal detention 

...demands his immediate release 

The Kwara State chapter of the People's Democratic Party, PDP, has condemned Governor Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq over the unlawful detention of a social critic and opposition figure, Olusegun Olushola, aka Sholyment. 

The party noted that Olushola being a responsible and law-abiding citizen, honoured the invitation of the Police on Monday, and was subsequently detained on the order of Governor Abdulrazaq, stressing that this amount to reckless abuse of power and an infringement on the critic's fundamental human rights. 

It added that the State Government had already concluded arrangement to drag Sholyment to court over trumped up charges of inciting public disturbance, injurious falsehood and criminal defamation. 

The Kwara PDP recalled that that was the same manner a member of the party, Lawal Sharafadeen, popularly known as Harab, was unlawfully detained and subsequently taken to court over phantom allegation by an aide of the Governor, Obasanjo Alashi, aka SOJ. 

In a statement on Tuesday by its State Publicity Secretary, Tunde Ashaolu, the party accused the governor of using State apparatus to silent opposition members and muzzle dissenting voices, noting that the present administration had on different occasions demonstrated its intolerance to criticism. 

The Kwara PDP warned Governor Abdulrazaq against turning Kwara to lawless State, saying that "It is only in a banana republic that a responsible citizen will honour invitation of security operatives and be detained illegally on the order of the Governor for criticizing the bad policies, misgovernance  and nonperformance of the Governor.

"We have also been alerted to the plans of the present administration in Kwara to arrest some selected members of the opposition who have been critical of the incompetence and maladministration of Governor Abdulrazaq. 

"This is wrong and absurd. Under a democratic setting, responsible citizens should not be detained indiscriminately for criticizing and holding government accountable. Kwarans must not allow this untoward and unjust action of the Governor to stand. We must resist all attempts by the Governor to intimidate dissenting voices. 

"Our party demands the unconditional and immediate release of Mr Olusegun Olushola from the police detention."


Tunde Ashaolu,
State Publicity Secretary,
Kwara PDP


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