Press Release

3rd January , 2021.


The Kwara APC integrity Vanguards has expressed its pertubation over the maladministration and abysmal performance in government being exhibited by Mallam Abdulrahaman Abdulrazaq , the Kwara state Governor since inception of his leadership of the state.

The group  while fielding questions from journalists after her end of the year meeting  held in Ilorin , the state capital listed the disengagement of over two thousand youths popularly tagged sunset workers by Abdulrazaq's government  at the tail end of year 2020  among other grievous misdoings of the Governor as ones which are in total variance with the laudable programs the APC promised kwara people while seeking political offices before 2019 general elections.

KAIV in an address by its national coordinator , Alhaji Abdullahi Onimasa said the kwara APC although produced the incumbent Governor, Mallam Abdulrahaman Abdulrazaq but that he is not the man he pretended to be in 2018 and 2019 when the party and the people of kwara state  cast their votes massively for him and other candidates of APC leveling on Otoge Mantra which the party presented to people of the state.

The group observed with utmost dismay that Abdulrazaq performance in government has betrayed the Next Level vision the APC planned for the state noting that there has almost been  nothing tangible the government can claim credits upon after using  almost two years in office .

Its pathetic that Abdulrazaq pretentious holiness 

*Using State Resources to Promote AA Group within the Party*

It is indeed pathetic that the Abdulrazaq government is used to thinking that it can hoodwink Kwarans with the "pretentious holiness than thou claim" his hired media promoters  are spreading on cyber space. For example , the Governor who usually claim he is not ready to spend state fund for operation of his party gave out #10Million each to each Assembly members to help him nurture  his own factional groups which he recognized as  structures across the 16 local government of the state  

Aside from this , about #20million was given to few AA group members in Adewole ward which  was shared for the last Christmas and new year celebration. The crisis created among leaders of AA group is still fresh in Adewole all because of this fund .

The question on the lips of average kwarans is , where is our Governor getting all these fund he is using to promote crisis in the party in order to buy relevance for his factional groups?

"Of what inspiration can we derive from a Governor who has shattered the good image  of our party ? What he  is doing is not what were promised to kwarans and our Party's next level manifestos and the promises we made in 2019  have been grossly betrayed "

"For instance, we promised to deliver better welfare packages to the state civil service by improving their take home pay through implementation of the #30,000 minimum wage but that is not near happening almost two years down the lane , instead , we are dragging our workers to court for demanding us to make home our promises , this is reckless and misuse of power by its custodian"

"We are not speaking for the party, in fact , so many party stakeholders who had spoken to us appealed for tone down of our articles against the Governor but for how long shall we keep mum ?  As a group which worked so hard to install this government, we have the right to speak up when things are not going as planned because of posterity " 

"We make bold to say that it is never part of the agenda of our party to retrench any worker let alone mass sack that cut over 2,400 young teachers from their jobs. This is most unfortunate and a direct variance  of our campaign promise and APC’s manifesto to create jobs for the state"

" Now lets ask the Governor if he had seek input from the party or any stakeholder before embarking on such misadventure , I tell you no ,  he doesn't work with the party or anyone who can rightly advise him, I doubt if he knows the social consequences of laying off such huge numbers of young  people from active  service , this is an unfortunate situation we have found ourselves as committed party  members but we shall not be deterred "

"Abdulrazaq doesn't value intellectuals, he is always afraid to mingle with sound minds , he has inferiority complex problems. Unfortunately, he has the support of some over-the-counter advisers currently hovering around him for their personal greed and these are the people he listens to " The group coordinator said .

*Plan Hijack of Party Structures Using TIC Appointments*

Of important to note is the desperation of the Governor to upstage the legally constituted caretaker committee of the party through all crude means possible  .

We have it on good record how he wants to go against the constitution of the Federal republic of Nigeria to appoint members of his AA group as caretaker Chairmen in the 16 local government areas of the state . The major purpose and mission set out for the caretaker chairmen will be to undermine the party at their respective local government. All of the beneficiaries of this arrangement have already been given marching orders by the Governor and they have pledged their allegiances to abide by the dictate of the Governor.

While we are not expecting any rewards from this government, its good to put it for record purpose that the progressives within kwara APC who fought assiduously to rescue Kwara from Saraki  Oligarchy in 2019 are not part of this embarrassing   discharge of government functions.

*Abdulrazaq's Shallow Academic Records Playing out in his Govt* 

As a group , we have critically researched all the Governors in Nigeria based on their academic qualifications and we found out our darling state of Kwara houses  the least educated Governor from among the 36 Governors of the  federation. Unfortunately, Mallam Abdulrahaman Abdulrazaq is the only Governor in Nigeria whose highest educational qualification is an ordinary "School Cert" which is even riddled with controversy, all thanks to Rt Hon Razak Atunwa who accepted to step down litigation that could have opened Kwara state to embarrassment of the decade . We therefore feel it is unusual to expect logical developmental policy  from a character with such a stunted academic background who lacks any viable administrative skill except managing ( a brief Case Oil Firm " First Fuel  with no existing structure anywhere in Nigeria.

The group concluded by expressing its worries over the rate of exit of  vibrant youths from APC to opposition parties  at the tail end of last year noting that this has summarised disappointing  performances of the government they all toiled to put in place .

"The mass exodus of promising young men and women who were parts of the movement that sacked Saraki hegemony is a clear indication that the government of Abdulrazaq has hit brick wall and that not only the people are fed up with his abysmal failures but even his own people who shared same party affiliation are also fed up ." 

Signed : 

Alhaji Idris Sulyman Onjmasa 

President & Natl Coordinator,

Comrade Kayode Aliyu Bamidele

Secretary General

Kwara APC Integrity Vanguards, KAIV


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