Education: Dare Bankole Facilitates Free JAMB Registration For Students

Education: Dare Bankole Facilitates Free JAMB Registration for Students

The candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Representing Ekiti /Oke-Ero/Isin and Irepodun federal constituency at the lower chamber, Engr. Dare Bankole has earlier today organised a free JAMB registration for students intending to seek admission into tertiary institutions within his constituency.

The distributions of the JAMB form was held at his constituency office along Ekan road in Omun-Aran, Irepodun local government area of Kwara State, the program which is supervised by the Director General (DG) campaign organization of the PDP HoR candidate, Alhaji Idris Olurotimi Okewa.

Speaking at the occassion, the DG made it known to the beneficiaries of the JAMB form that Engr. Bankole is a cheerful giver, a young man who is ready to serve the interest of his people if elected in the rescheduled next Saturday Presidential and National Assembly general elections.

He added. As part of Engr. Dare Bangkole's manifestos during his recent campaign for the preparation of the forthcoming general elections, Bankole sees "Education" as part of his first target if elected. On this note, this is promise fulfilled. He urged the good people of the constituency to come out enmass on the 23rd of February 2019 to deliver their full supports and vote for Engr. Dare Bankole and other PDP candidates across the board.

Speaking on behalf of the beneficiaries, a beneficiary from Idofin-Igbana ward l, Oke-Ero Local government area of Kwara State, Ajiboye Oluwatosin appreciated Engr. Dare Bankole for his kind gesture and pledged on behalf of other beneficiaries their unflinching support on his mandate based on his positive agenda for the people of Ekiti, Oke-Ero, Isin and Irepodun federal constituency come 23rd of February 2019.


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